Movement from 3D OLD EARTH through 4D into 5D NEW EARTH
is a conscious choice made by the seeker.
From Homo Sapien to Homo Luminous
The gap between the low functioning Homo Sapiens and the Awakening Ones /Homo Luminous is getting wider.
You may wonder why the authorities in a vast number of countries are so conservative that they frequently interfere with freedom of the press; individuals; communities and businesses. The majority of voters supposedly supported these fundamentalist, judgemental punitive harbingers of narrow-minded values that dictate our thinking and restrict our freedoms. It exemplifies linear OLD EARTH conditioning and control.
There are many Earth realities, and simplistically the gap between the consensus 3D-World operated by the old guard and the 4D-5D-and-beyond-Worlds is clearly getting wider.
First, we have to IMAGINE our future self/light-body and BE the KEY - LOVE and KINDNESS as exemplified in the Universal Laws.
If enough of us become Conscious, Loving and Kind, Mother Earth will not have to intervene by climate extremes causing possible loss of our homes, livelihoods and the food production that sustains us.
NEW Earth Visionaries - IMAGINE and INTEND a beautiful QUANTUM multi-dimensional reality of love, joy, creativity and beauty for yourself and others to access if they so desire.
A Life of Grace by The Seer Almine 'What use is acrimonious ranting when one loses oneself in the battle? What value does the fight against seeming injustice have when judgemental accusations replace the enjoyment of life?' ....'The dogma driven churches of the Earth are the distorted religion of spirit. The true and authentic religion of spirit is Wholesomeness.'
What's YOUR 2040? ~ and NEW EARTH Awareness
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