I asked: Penny, you recently spoke about visiting the New Earth. What are SOME HIGHLIGHTS that we on 3D Earth can eventually look forward to please?
There are links to all her free work below the video by clicking on the white type on Special Livestream.
To all those interested in co-creating a New Earth, Ascension or involved in consciousness, the future of Australia, Reiki, what the controllers and the cabal are up to now, and when world travel might start again, OBE's, Fauci, homeschooling and education of the future, feline ETs, O blood types, Poland, the Mason Dixon line and west of the Mississippi, living close to the equator and more.
You can support Penny's work by becoming a Patreon. She also presents a magnificent two-part teaching at Arlington Institute called 'Seeds of a New Earth' and joins Gregg Braden, John Petersen and Kingsley Dennis in a series titled Quartet
Essential Preparation as We Navigate The Crack Between Worlds
- Be calm, resourceful and a part of the solution.
- Talk of the internet, including social media going down. IF so, how would this affect you?
- No one can predict how long they will be off-line IF this occurs.
- Please be sure to back up your computer.
- Stock up on items you'll need for your creative projects.
- Well stocked private spaces for all family members - He Sheds, She Sheds, Kids Sheds
- New economic systems are being worked on.
- Have hard copies of bank statements and other essential documents
- Officialdom will need proof of your assets when current economies fall.
- Inflation, rising prices, food shortages, hyper-inflation.
- Continue to expand your food gardens and fill your pantries.
- Clean water is essential.
- Prepare for extremes in weather including widespread flooding.
- Keep fit and keep your immune system and general health strong.
- Do whatever it takes to hover at or near your ideal weight.
- The Revolution: Governments, Corporations and Mass Media have lost the people's respect.
- Talk of wars is escalating. Call for diplomatic solutions.
Self-Reliance. Self-Government. Common Sense. Solutions. Sustainable Communities. Progress.
Continue focussing on the consciousness and lifestyles of living 4D and beyond realities.