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Penny is a full consciousness Seer who frequently updates the possible scenarios of the coming months. In this video, she discusses the likely percentage of the 8 billion population that will survive future catastrophes and looks more closely at the US, UK, Europe, Australia and Canada.
Video 2 - Aingeal Rose & Ahonu interview Penny Kelly on Evolution. In this video, she introduces topics some might find controversial or difficult. She speaks about discernment and how the population must step back and look at the whole, not the parts. We must hold the paradox of life. She states it is important to recognise diversity as the key to survival, and the key to existence is consciousness.
Penny Kelly states clearly that evolution (evolving) is our contribution to the collective. She observes that the micronova is proceeding lockstep with consciousness evolution and that we must connect our consciousness with the elements of earth, air, fire and water.
The expansion of consciousness is happening to allow for spiritual growth. In discussing ETs, Penny says ETs are watching the people who can be a bridge to consciousness. Finally, she states that we must expand our willingness to learn new things.