Aspects of the information in these two links may be disturbing for some readers who are new to the material. I rarely post such details, but this is too important not to at this critical time. So I urge you to use your discernment when viewing and take only what resonates. Penny Kelly's last Look-See in this format. Penny is from the Pleiades in human form and works tirelessly on many levels to aid humanity. After a full kundalini awakening in the early 1970's, she has full access to a vast reservoir of knowledge. I have sometimes seen Penny upset at the complex state humanity is in but never quite as upset as in this talk, and for good reason. After years of being so optimistic about humans, she is concerned that not enough have taken the necessary ACTIONS to turn the inevitable around. I confess to feeling the same way. Over the years, I have posted a lot of Penny's teachings. If interested, you can search in the box on the top right. | I'm unsure how to describe Kim Goguen of United Network or even hazard a guess as to where she's from originally. I was quite sceptical of some of the material she presented on my first viewing some time back. However, after delving into the 'mind-blowing' subjects she discusses, I now respect her as she is an influencer of some of the most powerful people on the planet. I leave it to you to make up your own mind. If the information in these two videos is not a Call to Action of some kind, then I have no idea what would be, even if that's expanding your veggie garden to become as self-reliant as possible - or getting to know more people in your neighbourhood - or working passionately at what you love - or being a beacon of balance and compassion and emanating harmony. Penny is on Bitchute and Kim at You may need to sign up for both?? |
Food Shortages, Rising Prices, Starvation, Droughts, Floods, Wars
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Save Seeds and Grow Food For Your Family and Friends
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