| Penny Kelly's clairvoyant LookSee for the next few months is chock full of signposts for possibilities of what is likely to happen worldwide - particularly for the USA, China, Australia and Malaysia. In #30, Penny sees new leadership in Australia around the end of February. |
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When Will Australian Elections Be Announced?
Place the name of your chosen politician/s in the search window to examine how they voted on crucial issues. Also, look at what percentage of time they were absent from parliament. Link below.
I checked the voting records of the many who are occupying today's headlines, thus influencing the direction Australia is taking. Morrison and Dutton are angling for a war with China - yet another possible ill-conceived war like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. (I've often written about my early 1990's visions of this high possibility - just search CCP in the search box top right).
I asked myself how qualified they are to be making such crucial decisions for all Australians. The results read like horror stories when I studied the voting patterns of Morrison, Joyce, Kelly, Porter, and Dutton - just a few in today's papers.
Click here to discover how your politicians vote on important legislation.