Some Wayshowers, Sages and Spirit Helpers are calling in the sacred ways of ancient Lemuria. This can be done by merging Divine Will to merge with our Human Will. I encourage you to research the Goddess Pele, the world's active volcanoes, and the Lemurian culture.
Will you please join with me in prayer, intention, ritual - dancing, singing and chanting and by raising your frequency to hold Pele and all the mountains of Hawaii in safety and stability?
'Pele is the goddess of volcanoes and fire and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Often referred to as "Madame Pele" or "Tūtū Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known deity within Hawaiian mythology, and is notable for her contemporary presence and cultural influence as an enduring figure from ancient Hawaii.'
Please call in the Divine Will to work though your human vessel to stabilise the Grand Mountain
Please think about and act on these things. Complacency and ignorance will destroy us all unless more of us change NOW. Enormous gratitude to all those who work for the ecological well-being of our beloved planet. Some are totally unaware of the beauty, natural abundance and sacredness of Mother Earth. Please be extra savvy in the methods you use to educate the ignorant, lazy and greedy. Time is running out. ... HAS run out for millions ... 50% of the people on the planet do not get enough to eat. | ASH from horrendous fires and active volcanoes will potentially circulate the planet's AIR for years. Please dig deep to discover the reasons for the devastating #FiresInRussia that are destroying millions of animals, livelihoods, air quality, forests etc. and ask - What can I do? And then ACT - PLEASE DO NOT RAGE at 'politicians' and 'publishers' as that is rarely effective. I urge you to write or call the Minister or Group responsible - direct. We are choosing between evolution or devolution. YOU and I - ordinary individuals - have to be the leaders we seek and not armchair critics or emotional wrecks at injustice, cruelty, slaughter and devastation. We have to be very, very sane and smart if we are to evolve as a species. Advancement does not happen without our conscious input and effort. Chaos IS Building. Massive Change IS Coming YET The Great Shift may be more subtle than you imagine. Stay conscious. |