As a rule, I choose not to post much of my research regarding the subjects Kerry covers in this video. I certainly don't unless I have at least two other corroborating researchers in agreement - and I have high respect for Penny Kelly and Michael Tellinger who also cover much of Kerry's content. Both Penny and Michael have published comprehensive plans for workable ideas for co-creating the New Earth which is, as you know, my focus too.
Please be discerning with this information I'm sharing as much of the coverage confirms my research and instincts. I'm extremely cautious because a large number of people in these fields are mischievous and/or careless with the truth and appear never to consider the effect of its distribution on the psyches readers. Many slander well-known people mercilessly on hearsay from questionable sources, and are rarely discerning or committed enough to write their personal analysis, and merely data dump the work of others.
I include it here because time is of critical importance and Kerry has made an excellent summary of decades of her dedicated work. Even though I don't always agree with her information and style - I appreciate her tireless search for truth. The reality is Trump has had four years!
You and I can never know the capital T Truth, and that is why I don't hold sides unless crystal clear. Instead, I project the intention from my heart and soul for the outcomes to be of the highest good for humanity and all life. This is how I'm approaching the crucial US elections on Tuesday 3 November.