Psychic Tai speaks about the frequency/energetic storm almost upon us.
Cash Peters also saw Trump and Nicky Halley matching stride until suddenly a huge chasm stops them in their tracks.
clif high posts on Twitter
So my goofy data analysis is forecasting 2/two BAC (big ass crises) for 'officialdom' in next 51 days.
The crises may provide 3 major resignations, & 3 other problems 4 officialdom like suicide, arrest, 'disappearance'. The 2 BAC will 'disrupt/break' officialdom to the point that some functions are 'shut down/turned off' by govt.
There will also be reports of 'anomalous behavior' in some form of science as in the actual 'mechanism' within the science study is discovered to be 'changing'. Think like thermometers not working 4 some reason.
The 'disappearance' part of govt problems will lead to massive 'space alien' rumors. These are connected to data suggesting a very noticeable uptick in UFO maybe more than double the 'usual' rate.
Most, 70+% of the UFO data is linked to, or carries "ocean" sets. The 'ocean' sets are very large & growing. Something water centered is developing. Much more attention will be paid to ocean stuff over the next 7 months.
Economy (business) data is showing as being 'rejected'. So like 'govt' will be putting out some 'base lies' that will be rejected as 'bogus'. This causes problems with 'metrics' & 'forumlae' based on those data. Biz can't operate with the bad data, nor without it. Data shows that biz 'breaks' relationship with govt over this data. "rejects" it & won't comply. Officialdom shits its pants.