"In a pandemic, self-isolation is called quarantine. In Buddhism, it is called retreat. From the cave of our home, like the meditators of ancient times, we can consciously kindle the lamp of compassion and connection." ~ Lama Willa Miller Lockdown 😟 Lock in 😖 Lockup 😕 Quarantine ~ OR ~ Retreat 🥰 Silence ☺️ Self-Discovery 😌 Withdrawal 😇 Sacredness *Fun* Isolation is the opportunity to listen deeply and initiation to BECOME the New Human. Be imaginative with your activities and also work consciously with your shadow and your self-knowledge will now magnify magnificently. Be inventive and brave, and take GIANT LEAPS as this IS the opportunity to take a GIANT LEAP in EVOLUTION. It's entirely up to you and me. SOME KEYS: * Caring * Compassion * Community * Consciousness * Connection * Imagination * Intuition * Ideas * Instincts * Inclusiveness What are you choosing right now? 👣 |