It's going to take an EVOLUTIONARY LEAP in consciousness to open the hearts of the barely glowing. Rage and helplessness are natural consequences of seeing our beautiful animals maltreated.
We have to ask will the abominable treatment and thuggish behaviour towards domesticated and wild animals be changed at core/heart levels in human consciousness by petitions, guilt-tripping, shaming or wishing and hoping? Pockets of individuals 'may' indeed improve though we want widespread global ever-lasting caring behaviour.
I genuinely feel for it to be hugely effective we require nothing less than an UPGRADE in the HUMAN TEMPLATE of CONSCIOUSNESS. I keep seeing an energetic GRID around and throughout Mother Earth. Folks like us could formulate precise objectives to SEED GREATER AWARENESS into this grid to AWAKEN humans to care for those who cannot speak for themselves and to stop wrecking their habitats out of greed or ignorance.
A few thoughts to further the process:
* BELIEVE we can
* Imagining. Visualising. Intending
* Acknowledge individuals and groups doing great things
* Imbuing WATER with clear objectives
* Group/Worldwide meditations to seed the awakening to animal care in the grid
* Formulate local discussion and prayer groups
* Enrol the collective consciousness of the animals
* Shamanic practices - also requesting Spirit Animals to assist
No doubt this could become a Worldwide Movement!