Amanda Lorence has two exceptional videos on Facebook for those who are members.
I've collated a brief summary for readers.
Thank you, Amanda Lorence, for your crystal clear presentation.
'The Birth of the Higher Self in the human will occur in personal timing which may be in March for many people. Be disciplined not to get distracted by upsetting outer events. Clear patterns and go deeper. Become The Observer of the Dream. It takes courage to be the newer version of you.
When a baby is born, it has no belief system—the Belief Systems of 3D and 4D collapse in 2020 that ends all suffering. Beliefs don't exist in the higher realms—creation from Pure Consciousness.
Amanda explains why some of us feeling lost and why we don't feel we fit in. As we rise in energetic frequency and when we dissolve the illusion of 4D we feel totally lost because we are in between worlds. If you choose to become the consciousness that is Oneness you have to detach from humanity itself and it's a stage in Ascension.
We retain the human form but with Consciousness. Your consciousness is rising.
We just 'allow' ascension. It's happening to us.
- Birth of the Higher Self in March
- Emotional clearing of all the major trauma
- 4D reality collapses within you
- Experience of the spiritual arena as illusion as well as 3D being illusion
- Major belief systems within you will collapse
- Collapse of collective belief systems within you
- You will collapse within you universal belief systems
- It happens to you - they're gifts for you to collapse
- Separates you further from humanity - as a stepping stone
- Let go of the sector of conscious experience called humanity
- Major amount of Love energy enters your body
- Experience Love at different levels of incarnation
- Embodiment stage of Christ Consciousness
- The energy of God through you allows us to work with you in new ways
- Energetic abilities come on line - unique gifts to you
- You become a vessel to make a difference for good
- It's a spectacular year!
- Keep Going. '
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