They buy up and suppress innovative patents, OWN the media, politicians, and THEY OWN US.
I'm appalled at how many good and intelligent people get on bandwagons to attack individual politicians little realising that ALL politicians are manipulated, and some are bribed and blackmailed into doing the bidding of the all-powerful Corporations that are owned by the Cabal.
PLEASE FIRST REVEAL the WORKINGS OF THE CORPORATIONS that RULE the POLITICIANS and THE WORLD. There will NEVER be enough billions - and for some, trillions -to satisfy the corporate owners' lust for SUPREME POWER and SICKENING WEALTH.
The SOLUTIONS are not linear. They lie in our intentions and creations within the quantum fields, plasma fields, and in collaboration with our multidimensional selves, benevolent humans and willing non-terrestrials. Think FREQUENCY - ENERGY and CONSCIOUSNESS and don't allow yourself to get caught up with parroting the few.
While the writing of informed and mature letters to politicians with appropriate portfolios and passing on videos by articulate and charismatic researchers who are apparently in the know may help somewhat - VERY FEW individuals take the time to craft their own articles, letters and videos offering THEIR SOLUTIONS. They claim and pass on the work of the deep researchers then accuse OTHERS of being 'sheep'!!!!! Oh, the irony!!
I'm gravely concerned that PEACEFUL PROTESTS will become widespread RIOTS will become LOOTING will become CIVIL WAR will become INJURY, DEATHS and DESTRUCTION will become total ANARCHY will become ANNIHILATION as in GENOCIDE of large swathes of the human population. PLEASE REASSESS YOUR OBJECTIVES AND APPROACHES and MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES TODAY.
- Cedar
Sharing these videos does not necessarily mean that I endorse all of their views and activism.
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