* Converse with Your Guides, Higher Self and Divine Source
* Connect with the Music of the Spheres and the Music of Nature
* Perfect Timing for New Beginnings Manifesting from the Heart.
* Accessing our full New Earth Templates
* Accessing our Galactic Human Templates
* Consciously Connecting to Multidimensional Realities
* Being of Service with our Unique Skills and Interests
Let's all make the most of the energies brought in by the TWO ECLIPSES in July and work diligently to make POSITIVE CHANGE in our relationships, families, friendships and careers.
The New Moon on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, in Cancer is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE with a PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Capricorn on July 16. July is a month that will bring intense energies of change. We may not be able to significantly influence external world events however we can take full responsibility for what we project and have a massive impact on what is occurring within ourselves and under our own roofs and workplaces.
| The term spiritual warrior is used in Tibetan Buddhism for one who combats the universal enemy: self-ignorance (avidya), the ultimate source of suffering according to Buddhist philosophy. A heroic being with a brave mind and ethical impulse. 8 Qualities of the Spiritual Warrior |
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