I'm thinking of the millions worldwide who live their life 'on the wallaby' - some by choice and some due to homelessness.
After four months 'on the road,' I had to change plans like so many others and rent an apartment for a year on Bribie Island with help from a dear friend and a good dollop of High Magic. I'm in the process of opening accounts, organising furniture and am on limited internet, so I won't be posting much for a while.
Peppi Bear and I are self-isolating in our new home on Bribie Island. I'm well and safe and do hope you are too. My friends at Goulburn Bear Hunt initiated this lovely idea on Facebook of bears peeping out to the Big World to cheer up passers-by. Please keep inventing wonderful community-building-ideas-while-in-isolation. They're so good for the Spirit and a good laugh.
I feel so blessed that the entrance to this glorious Wetlands Walk is just ten steps from the front gate of my Island Home.