Sal has been diagnosed with a rare neuroendocrine condition that no-one has yet survived. However, Sally feels that due to the exceptional care she is under that healing and miracles are indeed possible. Sally has comprehensive healthcare combining a medical regime plus a complementary program of naturopathy, homeopathy, and nutrition.
She had restorative sleep last night of approximately six hours, the first real sleep in over a month. She believes an important part of her healing lies in her ability to have deep rest and enough uninterrupted sleep.
She is feeling the beneficial effects of everyone who has lovingly sent prayers, healing energy, messages, gifts, donations, and support. She has asked not to see any visitors until further notice.
The Qcards Conversation Starters that Sally initiated, and that she and I were working on when she fell ill have been completed and have arrived at home. I am unsure just when I’ll be able to make these available for purchase. Watch this space.
I continue to receive messages and suggestions for Sally and am aware that those who love and have been touched in some ways by this vibrant and extraordinary woman want to do all in their power to see her well again. Rest assured a new and changed Sally is emerging.
Sal reads my blog and I welcome your comments if you would like to express how she has touched your life by posting your story here on this thread.