I debated long and hard whether to post this new article as so much of it relates to the activities and agendas of the Dark Ones, Extraterrestrial and Inner Earth civilisations, Super Soldiers and the SSP Secret Space Program. Finally, I decided to offer the ones in my view who are the cream of the crop of Experiencers, Researchers and some key people in the Disclosure field. I surprised myself with some who made my list and these are just the tip of the iceberg.
The reason for writing is to help prepare my readers psychologically for the shocks I believe will be coming to the general public over the coming months. As one who has had first-hand experiences, For decades I've been researching the subject matter that many disregard as mere conspiracy theories and vilify those of us involved as 'nutters'. However, as more and more are discovering that many of these 'theories' are true, they are turning to us 'nutters' for knowledge, understanding, guidance and healing.
We're living in several versions of Earth on the spectrum between a 'living hell' and a 'living Paradise.' Our understanding of reality depends upon issues involving the events of our physical location, our level of conscious awareness, and our current use of the frequencies bombarding us.
In her new book 'Revival -Path to a New Earth, New Human' Penny Kelly discusses 12 sectors of life that can be identified in the paradigm of almost every civilisation.
My research reveals there are trillions of different types of species throughout the Cosmos. A significant number of conquering extraterrestrials have been fighting over our human genetics, energy and labour, along with harvesting the wealth of Earth's resources for millennia.
The truth about humanity throughout the Ages and numerous other types of lifeforms occupying Inner Earth and Surface Earth is coming to light. IE: Earth governments' role in cahoots with dark agendas with extraterrestrials involves abducting vast numbers of people in exchange for advanced technology to be mainly used to gain superiority in war.
Finally, the Experiencers, Hybrids, Super Soldiers and Researchers are speaking out, exposing the advanced weaponry, terrible battles, horrific crimes, genetic experimentation, and the depraved abuses still in operation.
'On September 10, 2001, then U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that his department was unable to account for roughly $2.3 trillion worth of transactions. The next day, the U.S. sustained the terrorist attacks that changed the world, and this startling revelation was forgotten.' Guess.
Most of my recommendations have high-level connections and off-planet contacts. However, it takes extreme vigilance to uncover the authenticity of each individual's message. Sadly, like most interest groups, there is jealousy, juvenile put-downs, personal attacks, and much false reporting by many charlatans plying their self-serving agendas upon gullible audiences. Separating the benevolent from the malevolent and discovering our role in it all is not a study for the faint-hearted, so it's essential to remember self-care as you delve into the information and cross-check it before passing it on.
Below is my incomplete list of respected Researchers, Hybrids, Experiencers, Healers, New Earthers, Super Soldiers, and Survivors of the SSP. Most have Websites and YouTube Channels and are on Rumble, Telegram, Bitchute and Odysee.
Many have suffered unbearably brutal treatment; some have been augmented and, in the process, further developed their innate abilities into superpowers. It's heartening to see those who have endured such torture still have immense love for humanity and justice and are doing courageous work in making so much once-secret information available. Many also offer clients the benefits of their discoveries with their advanced healing techniques.
Penny Kelly, Daniel Sala, Elena Danaan, Dani Henderson, Michael Salla, James Rink, Johan Fritz, Ileana, Tim Tactical Advisor and Regina Meredith on GaiaTV head my list of go-to authentic voices and researchers. Most have numerous videos for you to explore if you wish. You can also find many other researchers by scrolling through 7 years of my blog here in the archives >>>>>
The critical thing is to stay open-hearted, open-minded and in your maturity, particularly as we navigate these next few months of escalating change. By now, you know how you can help if that's your way and who you can rely on among your family, friends and community. Treasure and nourish those connections.
Keep imagining and clarifying, and co-creating the version of Earth you want. Work on ways to come back into balance if your mental health goes wobbly, and readjust your focus as life as you now know it changes again - because it almost certainly will.
Hang in there. After some rough patches - ultimately, it will be glorious.
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Many Blessings and Much Love Always,
The Seeders by Elena Danaan
This looks like a book, but in truth it's an historical document. It takes Humanity on an incredible journey from the beginning of advanced soul groups wondering the universe looking for a cause to the liberation and acknowledging of a humanity blessed and suppressed throughout the ages. It will be difficult to put this book down. -Alex Collier, Andromedan Contactee.
Extraterrestrial Emissary, Archaeologist, Druid, Shaman and Best-Selling Author Elena Danaan takes us on a journey to meet the Intergalactic Confederation, the legendary Pa-Taal and the mysterious Nine, throughout an epic quest for the true history of humans of Terra.