PLEASE SUPPORT those who help influence your thinking and inspire you to better things by buying them a recurring coffee, meal, ticket, accommodation etc. YOUR SUPPORT and thoughtfulness are going to become much more critical as tensions rise, and information and guidance will be even more imperative in the weeks and months to come.
Many political, corporate, business, entertainment and community leaders will fall ill, many will be cured and some will die. NEW LEADERS must be ready and willing to step into positions of power at these most difficult AND most spiritually revelatory times.
If so, where will you direct your skills, with whom and how?
Given the growing seriousness of the coronavirus and the escalating problems and demands it's creating, I will begin a new page devoted entirely to the issues and SOLUTIONS. I'll put a permanent link in the bar at the top.
Life as we know it on Earth is in the process of being changed forever and the spread of the virus is far from over. Just when it appears healed in some, it recurs more virulently. Thankfully, most are being cured yet they may have infected others.
Please be a beacon of calmness and common sense and resist spreading volatile and inaccurate information. Keep focussed on your highest and best outcomes and be aware that your paranormal skills are coming on line so you'll also have to deal with these new skills and all that they reveal. Rest assured we were born for these times and have massive help from our unseen friends.