‘You all should know that the CERN collider is scheduled to operate at its maximum capacity on the 15th August, this date also coincides with a nearly unique planetary alignment. Like any living creature the earth has a natural biorhythm which rises and falls as the energy peaks and troughs – not unlike a roller coaster. Those who devised and planned the collider intend to ride this biorhythmic wave as a surfer would on the ocean. As the energy is increased in the collider it’s software is designed to match and maintain the frequency and output of the earths biorhythm, finally at full power as it were launching from a ramp at the top of the biorhythmic peak with its intended outcome being nothing less than the cutting of all humanity from source. Of course there are other objectives such as portal opening, weapons platform and even a time interference machine but it is the potential of blocking human consciousness with source that must take our attention first.
Will you all at 12 noon British standard time on the 15th August, either singularly or in groups, find a quiet place and focus in on the intent to prevent humanities dislocation from source. I will direct the good intentions of you all and we shall see what the outcome will be. We all only need to focus for 5 minutes.’ - - Simon Parkes
Bravo Everyone! Many groups around the world were focusing on CERN to only have the HIGHEST GOOD for humanity and all life on Earth.
The magnitude of what we all achieved will go down in Earth and Cosmic Future History forever and a day. It was wonderful to connect with fine Souls from all continents in the Unified Field for such positive intent. We were and are a candle lighting a very, very dark and insidious agenda and it’s not over yet. It’s a joy to celebrate this wonderful achievement with you all.
The horror of the possibility of being unable to connect to Source was overwhelming - that it would keep humans locked in a dumbed down disconnect from Original Source forever on Earth - unimaginable.
May the dark agenda of CERN be turned around to only do good for humanity for all time.
Simon Parkes' Website
‘15th August 2015 - Today at least 500 people in different countries around the world worked together to achieve a remarkable result. The CERN device unfortunately failed to operate at 3am BST when the controllers tried to sneak an early operating start. By the time you had concluded the meditation the device was only partially operational and did NOT operate at full power. Humans are still connected to Source and the balance has been maintained. This is the second time the device has failed when pushing the parameters of the multi-verse.’