(Environmental vandalism by governments, plastics pollution of the waterways, barbaric cruelty to children and animals, the arrest of Assange, treatment of asylum seekers, war in Syria, Yemen, Palestine etc, fires in Al-Asqa Mosque and Notre Dame, critical election in Oz May 18, and a whole lot of personal issues.)
I always recommend grounding as it does wonders for me along with meditation, rest, baths with essential oils, in-depth research and reflection that all help raise my energy and light-hearted movies such as 'Babe 2 Pig in the City' that bring a laugh. Sometimes I get in my car and let it take me somewhere magnificent. Last week it took me on a spectacular drive to Grassy Head and today to Bilby's Beach. I sat watching the ocean for a long time allowing the view of the silver waves and gentle breeze cleanse me of grief and gunk.
My dear friend Kath #ahippychickwithastick on Instagram arrived with her stick and rake. We chatted for a while about all manner of things including her process of making her spectacular sand mandalas. Kath has no preconceived idea of the design and if the sand is 'just right' she takes her stick and draws a very basic mainframe. Then comes the rake and the design is guided by her beloved Son in Spirit.
Imagine my delight to witness this gorgeous SUNFLOWER emerge in the sand and I even got to sit right in the heart of it.
Thanks and Blessings Kath. Thanks Sam. Thanks Sal.