It worries me as I see so much slander and libel perpetuated by many who appear to be sexually immature themselves getting their rocks off by stirring the pedophile pot. Naming names without evidence and destroying careers, families and friendships is criminal. These extremely unwise reposts of questionable material will reverberate on the accusers sooner rather than later as time collapses before our very eyes.
I think it's good policy to read the timelines of those who post vile information to get a good overview of what drives the informant - and then question our own motives if we choose to repost. I honestly think many are unaware of the incredibly creative power of words.
The perpetrators simply have to be revealed and trail and judgement by social media is NOT the way. I no longer follow many popular informants who lack the wisdom to triple check to substantiate what they claim to be facts before spreading malicious lies.