I want to see a Labor Federal Government in Canberra, Australia this Summer.
The religious right, ultra-conservative Liberal and National Party coalition has been in power for eight years. However, the past three years under the leadership of Scott Morrison, Barnaby Joyce, and Michael McCormack have all but destroyed Australia primarily due to their nepotism, weak leadership, lack of vision, self-serving greed and their propensity for selling off Australian resources such as coal, gas, water, land, ports, essential services and properties. They neglect our farmers, country towns, waterways, and soil quality until an election comes, then pour funds into compromised LNP electorates to win votes. LNP shoddy decision making on spending taxpayers funds are rarely in the interests of the Australian people. Meanwhile, their politicians' infighting, corruption, and criminal offences prevent them from governing for the people while they use their time to cover their backs and tracks. They pretend to be democratic but are more and more fascist as each week new goes by.
I want this inept coalition either sacked by the Governor-General or forced by the people to call an early election and for Labour to somehow restore us out of the mess LNP has created.
I often wonder what position Australia would be in if Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek had won the 2019 election. Still, while their policies were far better for the Australian people, they were no match for Morrison's superior electioneering strategies and dirty sweetheart deals with the minor far-right parties.
I dislike Labor's fear engendering policies on mandates, incentives (read a $300 bribe) to have the vaccine. Most parties kowtow to Big Pharma, and NO party, including Labor advocates a healthy lifestyle, nutritious foods, vitamins, movement, etc, to ensure a robust immune system. NO party reports on the high recovery rate of between 97% and 99% of those who contract the disease depending on the country they live in.
I like Labor's policies on education, renewable energy, urban rivers and catchment scheme, jobs, home manufacturing, foreign affairs, First Nations, climate change, anti-corruption commission, women's safety, net-zero by 2050, better-funded ABC with many more policies by clicking the blue.