Today I opened the door to an exciting new era. I've had an EXTRA-ordinary day largely due to YOUR thoughtfulness, kindness and excitement about decisions I've confirmed. (More on that another time). I say heartwarming because the foundations of this glorious New Earth we're co-creating are built on all things of the heart and imagination.
Ordinarily, I'd respond individually, so I hope you'll understand my combined message of gratitude to ALL of YOU for your lovely birthday messages. Briefly > On Sunday, I took a flying freaking fall off a friend's electric scooter, bounced along a cement culvert then mowed the nature strip with my face, hands, knees and feet. I'm bruised all over and feeling very sorry for myself, but oh so thankful there wasn't more damage.
I spent 6 hours Sunday in the hospital getting X-rays and a CT scan and having fractures to my left pinky put in a cast which was all free of cost. I'm so very grateful for the Australian Health System, thanks to PM Bob Hawke, who introduced Medicare in 1984. I'm now starting to mend though it's going to be ?? weeks before I can type properly, and this note is a laborious one-finger job. My friend Lizzie dressed the multiple grazes with aloe vera gel, and now they're healing really well, and Brenda stayed Sunday night to make sure I didn't conk out unattended.
One thrilling decision I confirmed today after not one but SEVEN synchronicities and signposts is that I'll be packing for Perth and SW Western Australia for a holiday mid-year and hope to meet up with some of my WA friends when I'm there.
Thank you once again, Friends. You and people like you make this challenging journey all worthwhile. Let's stick together and take our Dreams and Creations to new heights.