Patience, loving voices, kindness, curiosity, imagination, attention and involvement are key to their development - and yours as the responsible adult.
Clarify your objectives, plan for interest areas and desired outcomes daily
Think 'stimulating activities, fun and play' rather than time-fillers
Ensure they have beautiful, tidy spaces in which they can do their assigned school work
Quiet areas to read books and play board games are important
Always allow time for everyone to help clean and tidy-up every day
Have plenty of non-sugary drinks and fruit throughout the day
Teach daily personal hygiene, values education , music and positive perspectives
Teach them how to problem solve, think logically, make and grow things
Enhance exercise routine with programs to follow on YouTube
Research homeschooling sites and books
Be a genius teacher, loving listener and wise mentor
Good luck as your home and garden will need to be your householders' best friend perhaps for years to come. This requires incredibly mature adults with common sense to navigate the mounting challenges. Sensible routines set in place now will make your home hum.
Make your property your paradise and your home your temple.
Click here for loads of helpful links
101+ Ideas To Keep Your Kids Busy During Coronavirus Closures
Parents share their tips
100 Ideas for Teenagers
Homeschooling Ideas
Build A Private Retreat - Kids Shed, He Shed, She Shed
Apart from rearranging rooms, do consider repurposing the garage, and front and back gardens. Utilise a campervan as retreat space if you have one. Turn the garage or tent into a He-Shed, She-Shed or Kids-Shed or build new ones as a fabulous household project.
Look at each room in your home to Move furniture? Get rid of unwanted items? Can you repurpose any room? Make added activity and retreat spaces for adults and kids in front and backyards? |
Creating A Culture of Responsibility
If you were Premier of Victoria, what would you advise to solve the problem and how would you carry it out?
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