ISIS - from Goddess to horrendous terrorist state. Islamic State in Syria has extended far beyond the borders of Syria.
I urge everyone and the media to call this army of murderous thugs and terrorists DAESH which derives from the Arabic name with which they refer to themselves, “al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Iraq wa al-Sham.” This new “loose” acronym is pronounced “Die-esh”. They want to establish an Islamic caliphate over the entire world, starting with countries in the Middle East. The fact that they don’t like it is good enough for me to call them DAESH.
’Islamic State’ is unfair to Islam. IS is unfair to the All That IS or ISness - that which is beyond God and the Creator. Everytime headlines tout ISIS or IS it undermines the sacred.
Will you join with me and re-language this perverted group to DAESH and return ISIS and IS to their original meanings?
And while I’m on language in 2016 I’m hoping that all those who use Man and Mankind will upgrade to become inclusive of women and children and begin using Humankind and Humanity. The etymology argument doesn’t wash with me as written language was created by arrogant old men when women and children weren’t even afforded equality or an education.
As life is ‘going quantum’ and we witness our thoughts and words becoming creations, we need to be precise. That’s what The Inness responds to.