The Divine Feminine is stirring within women and men. The Goddess has been virtually disconnected by the self-interest of patricentric societies and religions. The game is up for the evil agendas of soulless men. As the Goddess arises humans will become humane and war, hunger and thirst will become distant memories of a dark and sinister period on Earth. | |
The Rise of the Feminine and The Fall of Corrupt Kings ...
Friends and I have been discussing our research into the behaviours and betrayals of monsters like so-called John of God Brazilian 'healer' - 'more like John of Hell', pedophile George Pell one of the top five Catholics in the world and so many others in positions of power who use and abuse innocent women and children for their own perverted 'enjoyment'. Religious orders are rife with these depraved 'things' who dictate how their congregations and clients should live their lives and tend their Souls yet they are entirely devoid of Soul themselves. Who or what are these beings that we see by the tens of thousands perhaps millions in every country on earth?
Elizabeth Wilcock has written a superb article outing these two evil 'men' in The Rise of the Feminine & The Fall of Corrupt Kings ...
'We live in a very exciting time when the Divine Feminine power returns to earth. We are seeing the results of her return before our very eyes. The Goddess awakens on the world stage and has some clean- up to do. We are witnessing the exposure of sexual abuses of women embedded in institutions like Hollywood, the Catholic Church and other "Spiritual" organisations.'
Read Elizabeth's full article here
Sickening details of those involved in the Deep State, human trafficking, paedophilia, financial corruption, gross political and religious abuses, suppression of free energy, big pharma monopolies and so many other creations by dark evil individuals and groups are coming to light. Alternative media and dedicated individuals and groups have been gathering information for years if not decades and now the tip of the iceberg is being published in mainstream media.
In his interview with Sarah Westall, Kevin Annett suggests George Pell will 'do a deal' and so avoid serving time for his personal abuses and those he's covered up for other priests. He also reveals abnormal behaviour by Pope Francis and anticipates what will happen to manmade Christianity in short order. Kevin Annett is a renowned global human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has led the movement to expose and prosecute child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State ( He has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. | |
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