Now is the time to bring out the best in ourselves regardless of our personal opinions. Millions will be deeply affected, and their mourning will continue for a very long time. At 96 years of age, she has been in most people's lives since birth.
This double rainbow was photographed over Buckingham Palace, marking the Queen's passing. The same phenomenon happened when Princess Diana passed. I was parking my car to visit a dear friend at Hepburn Springs in country Victoria when she met me in the yard, broke the news of Diana's passing, and pointed out the glorious double rainbow over the fields opposite her home.
Yesterday, while down at Henley Beach for my daily walk, I was feeling Sal's strong presence. I went for lunch and read how Israel Kamakawiwo'ole rang his recording producer at 3 am to say, 'I want to record a song now – I think I've got a good idea.' They met in the wee small hours, and he recorded the song in one take. That song was one of Sal's favourites, and she used to play and sing it a lot.
When I got back to the car, I was nudged to open a compartment between my front seats that I hadn't opened for years, and there was an old USB stick with some of Sal's favourite songs on it. I plugged it in, and the third song was Israel's 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' - tears flowed as I listened to the lyrics and savoured the serendipity of it all. Little did I know she was giving me a poignant message that would touch the hearts and minds of billions in some way. Sal knew.
Please listen to the lyrics, as this is the time for kindness, graciousness and sensitivity.
Physical death will come to us all.