In the coming weeks and months, I see millions becoming disgusted and disillusioned with their beloved politics and politicians and their religion and once-respected religious leaders. There will be deep shock as millions - whether in China, Russia, Belarus, UK, Australia, USA, etc - wherever in the world - will be confronted by the deaths, lies, violence, corruption, and real motives of many in power.
The ridiculous shortsighted divisions between left and right politics will be under scrutiny as lies are revealed, and many lose their lives over the decisions made by self-righteous entitled ones of the ruling parties and their controllers.
| If my information here resonates with you Dear Reader, please consider any changes you'd like to make to your daily routine. Stay safe and hold the faith. |
What is about to happen is above politics - I've been calling for UNITY in humanity. Starseeds and Lightbearers please take note - we may expect to be very busy in these next days and weeks in the most effective ways we can. Please AVOID conflict with those in your life who are unaware.
Penny Suggests
- Collapse of some media tv, big sites, amazon, internet,
- Sweeping up of people - some in key places - 190000 sealed indictments in Washington DC. Some systems won't work because of the removal of these key people.
- Call your people and say 'I love you'
- Trust those working for our highest good
- Pray for those who have been so abused
- Vatican, Washington DC, London - strongholds that may see difficulty
- New York California, Georgia, Switzerland
- CCP attempts to take over Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia
- Listen to one another
- Spirituality is changing
- We've had ET help all along
- Starseeds Awakening
- Your support will be needed AFTER the big takedown