The established world has been largely created by outside influences such as politicians, religious personnel, corporates, unseens etc., continuing to seek power and control over you including what you do, believe and think - more of the same fear and chaos and gross devolution in places.
The new exciting relatively 'blank slate' timeline awaiting YOUR new creations? Creations emerge from that spark of inspiration and creativity from deep within your being. They're dynamic and require your excitement, willingness to act, develop your skills and talents, risk the unknown, thereby contributing to human evolution.
Mother Nature very obviously demonstrates her new phases of growth and dreaming at the changing of the seasons. Be like Mother Nature. We have two weeks until the Equinox on Saturday, 20 March - Autumn in the southern hemisphere and Spring in the northern. Two weeks is sufficient time to clarify and hone what you want to manifest in your personal and collective New World for - say - a minimum of one to five years.
History has shown that most in power are self-serving by largely caring for themselves and their own. It's time for each of us to take charge of our own lives and not leave our well-being, responsibilities, and growth to others to 'work in our best interests.' In the main, they don't and won't.
Of course, we may have a foot in two worlds, and there will come a 'time' for New Earth Creators to take one foot entirely from the Old World to be fully present in the exciting New World that they and others like them are creating. It takes work to know what you want in a dissolving old world, and the work is worth it. Maintain your focus on enjoyment, personal growth, cooperation, awakening in consciousness, service to others, and your rich imagination, highest frequency, highest consciousness, positive creations and enrolling kindred.
Penny Kelly list of 84 entries for a Blueprint for a New Earth called 'I want a world: ....' Click here
My list is progressing, and I encourage YOU to write at least ten exciting entries for your personal life before the March Equinox. Endeavour to establish at least three of those decisions no matter how simple during the next season.
A Few Ideas: Volunteer at a hospice, school, environment group or charity. Social Change. Rearrange or redecorate your home. Clean out the shed. Paint the house. Revamp your relationship. Revamp your ethics. Revamp your living space. Organise your cupboards. Turn unwanted items into cash, barter or give them away. Care for your family. Mentor children or teenagers with subjects or skills you are passionate about. Learn a language. Start a stall at the local market. Write a blog. Have fun. Play. Disengage from everything that raises fear in you. Dance. Sing. Listen to Nature. Deepen in Nature. Look for patterns, codes and voices. Care for animals and wildlife. Create. Learn new skills. Teach yourself to be financially savvy. Start an appropriate New Earth business. Learn the best use of technology. Plan twice-weekly outings. Organise a different kind of holiday. Invent a ‘________’ that enthrals you. Overcome an addiction. Expand your food garden. Build a He-Shed, She-Shed, Kids-Shed. Join a gym. Get fit. Maintain your machines, equipment and tools. Master a 'paranormal' skill. Read books. Create beauty. Incorporate new ways to tend the farm. Share what you have. Nourish your friendships. Rest. Have juicy conversations with your Guides, Ancestors and Star Nations. Talk daily to the Divine Source. Be the Void.
What Would You Like to Add to My Suggestions?
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