Allot A Flexible One Hour for Each Activity
- Rise Early. Clean, Tidy and Beautify Home
- In Silence - Stillness. Observation. Breathing. Thinking. Praying.
- Attending to Nutrition, Water, Energy Levels, Immune System and Wellbeing
- Care Giving and Nourishing Loved Ones, Householders, Animals, Others
- Gardening and Growing Food
- Enjoying Nature and The Elements
- Internet Activities, Reading
- Conversations with Humans and Animals
- Conversations with God, Goddess, Higher Consciousness, Guides
- Power Nap, Siesta, Silent Relaxation or Guided Meditation
- Work, Taking Care of Business and Finances
- Planning, Implementation, Follow Through, Assessment
- Play, Fun, Laugh, Hobby
- Learning a New Skill, Intention, Focus, Practise
- Indoor and Outdoor Exercise, Disciplines
- Volunteering, Mentoring, Correspondence
- Self-Improvement, Researching Preferred Interests
- Entertainment, Performance, Spectatorship
- Creative Projects, Doing What You Love
- Remembering, Self-Reflection
- Contemplation: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Now?
- Plans for Tomorrow, Review the Day
- Restorative Sleep
Your ideas go here.
"This living process is very clearly described in Indian scriptures since ancient times. There are 108 Upanishadas in the Sanskrit language which have exposed the knowledge about Kundalini awakening and the spiritual ascent. Also it is indicated in other scriptures of other countries. In the Bible it is called the Tree of Life and it is quoted that, 'I will appear before you like tongues of flames'. When the Kundalini rises, She passes through various centres which look like tongues of flames when enlightened.
The Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you can feel in Sahaja Yoga (spontaneous salvation). In the Gospel of St. Thomas, very clearly describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate of our religious life. Also it says we must look after our centres. This Kundalini has to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres which are placed in the spinal cord and in the brain. The last breakthrough is the actualisation of the baptism as one feels the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost emitting out of one's fontanel bone area.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
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Beginning in 1979, Penny Kelly experienced a series of life altering visitations. The visits were designed to show her the future of our planet, keying in on the United States in particular. The messengers were little men in brown robes who would simply appear in her kitchen, her bedroom or living room. At first startled by their appearance, with no frame of reference for the experience, she attempted to ignore them. But the pictures they were showing her ultimately could not be ignored. In Kelly’s book, The Robes, we are shown a vision of our future that is imperative to engage, much of which has already come to pass since those visits nearly 40 years ago.
Sweet Synchronicity and Serendipity
my next click was to Facebook and Bobbie Richardson 's series 'Codes To A New Reality 6 - The Story of 2082.' A bit of sleuthing revealed that Bobbie 'could' be living less than an hour from where I live on Bribie Island.
Please click on the white type for access to their full series.
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