I'm thinking of you all with such love and support as we integrate these massive energies and consciousness changes. Hang in there. This ascension is happening everywhere in the Cosmos. I'm finding that by tuning in to the quantum field both within and without helps focus my personal ascension and contribution to the larger web for those who are choosing it whether on Earth or Beyond.
The importance of emitting love and wisdom to the collective cannot be overstated. I think the key is to do our very best to be discerning, focussed and kind. Come the December Solstice, and we'll look back on how far this season has brought us. I also suggest you minimise any fascination with conspiracies and the 'news' propaganda that is steeped in the old paradigm of patriarchal control and religiosity.
- With Love, Cedar
Sharing this from Amanda Lorence who is doing intense work for the collective as well as for her own evolution.
Unprecedented energies are here. Flooding our bodies. Bright GOLD Ray today. To be integrated, absorbed. Each receive in energy (Hz), as much as their body is capable of managing. Hz attracts Hz. Bare in mind the three trajectories (streams) each individual is in. So one will not feel anything, whilst another will feel so much energy.
Forerunners will find LINEAR brain function difficult. As FEELING energy will and IS superseding the previous LINEAR thought process, communication system.
Energy is everything. Thoughts and words being a stepped down manifestation of sine waves that always carry data of higher Hz frequency. We tune into the energy waves first NOW, via FEELING, no thought, to receive the purer (Higher Hz) perspective the previous LINEAR thought system could not perceive as a lower Hz frequency system of operating or navigating the previous human being.
It’s a HUGE timeline we are in. Each having their own story that guided them. Each story is unique, and gets you so far. Then there’s no story, just NOW. And it’s all about energy, FEELING everything. Because you CAN FEEL the energies in everything. The acts of thinking, and talking is just that. It can not feel. It can only communicate the FEELING experienced of any said energy.
We act, we do, we receive, we give...all by energy. Everything carries energy frequency from a low Hz to highest Hz. The most efficient way of giving and receiving is by dropping the LINEAR processes and BEING the energetic ITSelf.
What we were, is NOW changing. We are in a huge process. To become full on, 24/7 energy of our soul/light body. Wearing the human body only as suit or overlay. Knowing that emitting ENERGY in its purest possible form is a conscious act of our ENERGETIC emission. This can’t be done via any LINEAR method that was or still is available. As it just downgrades the highest emission to 3D and 4D frequency.
FEELING energy and emitting it, supersedes the linear mind and linear processes.
Previous incoming energies have altered in recent weeks. As well as the typical yet simple energy patterns and pulses we have been receiving, we have also been receiving far more complex energy light encodement patterns to the brain and body.
DNA upgrades can reach about 5-7 per week, dependent on each’s stage.
Everything is fast now, where ALL energy in all its forms is NO LONGER subtle, as we, the previous human rise to be, interact, be easily attentive to all forms of energy. Energy that was once subtle, became less subtle as we advanced our own awakening path, but NOW we become it and IT becomes us...our foremost navigation system we NOW exist by.
Huge period ahead of us, between now and 21 December when our Solstice presents the greatest Gateway yet.
Our hearts as One with Gaia. One Love. 21 October 2019