The show follows Alma Winograd-Diaz, a 28-year-old woman who begins to experience strange occurrences after a near-fatal car accident. Following the accident, Alma discovers that she has a new relationship with time, allowing her to perceive events in the past, present, and future in a nonlinear manner. She becomes determined to uncover the truth behind her father's untimely death, which she believes may be connected to her newfound abilities.
As Alma delves deeper into her family's history and secrets, she explores themes of trauma, mental illness, identity, and existentialism. The series uses its innovative animation style, which combines rotoscope animation with oil painting techniques, to create a visually stunning and surreal experience.
Throughout the series, Alma grapples with questions of reality and perception as she navigates her unconventional journey through time and space. 'Undone' is praised for its compelling storytelling, complex characters, and philosophical themes, offering viewers a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.