Life's been tough for most of us in so many ways, and yet humans are resilient and remarkable. We continue to make the necessary adjustments to the challenges and disappointments thrown at us. Hold fast dear friends as there are many more shocks - and delights - to come. Strength of character, common sense, dignity and wisdom are the keys to navigating the coming impacts.
Do not 'follow the leaders' blindly. They are fallible humans too with their agendas, secrets and inconsistencies. If you must follow the news, mainstream media and Hollywood, please be aware they are mostly pushing a detrimental programme that is most definitely not in our best interests. Irresponsible journalism is fanning the flames of conflict. A good test is to notice how you feel after viewing or reading.
Even when crystal clear, you may expect your vision for the future to change literally in the blink of an eye. Be flexible and measure your responses by your inner knowing and wisdom. I'm dealing with these things also, organising and busy on many levels, so I won't be posting much until I have something new I can share.
Revamp your contacts list, make an effort to call or write to your loved ones, visit them if possible, celebrate them, have fun and help them out. The time to do so is now, and you'll soon be pleased you did.
So much love ,