Two nights ago when Sal was so desperately ill I lay beside her in bed holding her hand with one of her sisters lying on the other side. I invited her sister to sing to Sal. There was silence for a long time then in the completely blackened room in her lovely voice she softly sang ‘Songbird’, one of Sal’s favourites by Eva Cassidy. Every song, prayer, thought, message, and expression of love helps recalibrate our beloved Sal’s body.
My sister Chris facilitated Tibetan monks and audience chanting om tara tutara for Sal for 3 hours and more this past weekend in Melbourne. Healing love is instant and knows no distance. These types of focus are so effective. We believe in miracles. Sal has responded brilliantly to the outpouring of love, healing vibrations, chants and her own will to live as Nick’s photo shows. She actually got up yesterday and was responsive and joking and much of the head pain had subsided.