Major wildfires have (been?) ignited across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Overlords and their minions have it wrong. Their corrupt, destructive policies for short-term profit for minerals, timber, hamburgers and oil are being revealed. Culprits must be tried and appropriate justice would be for them to work tirelessly for the environment - from prison - for the rest of their natural life for destroying millions of lifeforms and habitats, and quality of air, waterways and soil.
Northern Hemisphere
'The main source of about 60-70% of forest fires in Siberia, is violation of fire safety rules by people while in the forest. There are also speculations that some people are causing fires intentionally, to conceal their illegal logging activities.... Some agencies estimate that the burned area so far, has exceeded 33.000 square kilometers.'
Southern Hemisphere
“Just four commodities—beef, soy, palm oil, and wood products—drive the majority of tropical deforestation… Of the four major deforestation drivers, beef has by far the largest impact. Converting forest to pasture for beef cattle, largely in Latin America, is responsible for destroying 2.71 million hectares of tropical forest each year.
After a sleepless, restless night I received the wonderful news from Jane Milligan that it's raining 🌧 in parts of the Amazon. I enrolled Sal 🌻 and her Team The Invincibles and I feel sure your dad Spike and his amazing Team will also be onto it.
Readers might like to ask for the assistance of those in Spirit and from members of the Star Nations too. They HAVE to be invited due to the cosmic law of non-interference.
These are the last photos I'll post of the problem as I feel it's more productive to hold visions of the solutions.