This egoic self-righteousness takes us away from the main game of ‘evolving ourselves and our own souls’ which cannot happen when we stoop to demean and criticise others. These thoughts and words merely serve to create foul toxicity. Discernment and decision making is essential - obsessive attacking for the sport of it says more about Peter than it does about Paul.
clif high discusses some whistleblowers agendas at 1.35 hrs in video below with Bix and Joe.
Similar feuds are found in families, communities, work environments, religions, politics etc at this time of immense change - horrifyingly so leading up to the August/September 'possible' shenanigans. I urge all warring factions to genuinely mediate or to put aside their battles and focus on their own evolution with radical self-responsibility. Fighting brings with it more disharmony and injury and both sides are losers. The better choice is to demonstrate your own courage, co-operation, discernment, maturity and goodwill for your own sake and for the sake of others.
Yardsticks - Do you have peace of mind? Do you support and co-create harmony with all those living under your roof and in your inner circle?