Module 2 Preparedness for the New Earth will be posted on the September equinox.
Simone M Matthews writes …
These electro-magnetic cosmic emissions (Waves of Love) are pulsating the toroidal field of energy that surrounds our heart, helping us to ‘beat our Hearts’ in unison with the Earth (Earth’s Heart), in unison with one-another (Human Hearts), in unison with Creation (Galactic Heart). Through the one-heart we move beyond the limitation of our perceived separateness, and we embrace the Love, the Joy, the Beauty of a ONE humanity evolving into an enlightened new world.
Quantum-DNA-Heart-Torus-Toroid-WaveX As our auric field… right down to the trillions of cells within our body are being bathed in these electro-magnetic frequencies… our DNA is awakening to an evolved state of expression such that we can anchor 5th Dimensional light within our physical states of beingness.
Humanity is at a crossroads in our evolutionary cycle, but we have a choice. We have a choice to awaken and embrace LOVE as conscious co-creators here on Earth. We have the choice to release the pain of separation and Fear. Each and every one of us holds the key to the quantum shift of Earth… and we make the choice to awaken and be active participants in this shift individually and collectively.
By combining the sacred ancient knowledge of encoded within our DNA with today’s scientific quantum principles we are empowered to transcend the deeply engrained labels we/society places upon us. We ‘see’ beyond the program of social, political and religious frameworks built on fear and are empowered to step outside of the program of limitation and co-create a new world based on foundations of LOVE, compassion, sovereignty and unity.
Planet Alert September 2015 – Wave X is The Wave Of Love
We first started our journey toward the Galactic Center in 1987 at the time of the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year. Then we started getting really close in 1998 when the Earth first reached zero magnetics on November 9, 1998 for a short period of time. Then we crossed the Galactic Plain on December 21, 2012. This is when we moved into an area that has very high energy and this is when we started to move into no-time, which is fast approaching. Time is moving so fast now I can hardly keep up with everything I have to do. I guess we need to slow down to manifest zero magnetics so everything can change.
The waves that are coming in now are electromagnetic waves of love. The energy from the Photon Belt has been coming to Earth all summer because of the Saturn/Alcyone opposition. Alcyone tones down the energy from the Galactic Center and from there it comes to Earth.