I witness people still believing mainstream media propaganda, that politicians have our best interests at heart, and/or obsessing over a single issue. Eg: vaxxxs now take precedence over chem trails and 5G and then there'll be another and another 'bad' thing to obsess over. If they must, obsessives would do better to obsess over love, consciousness, self-reliance, creativity and functionality.
Then there are the sleepy ones - the majority that I often write about - that keep humanity in kindergarten. With everything that has occurred, they must realise that the world has changed forever, and we must each take responsibility to make the most of what we have left.
A unknown percentage have come to the fork in the road and have already taken the high road. However, it seems that the majority are stuck wondering which path to take. If they are still there in inertia within six months or by November, it will be too late to take action to turn this Mothership around. I say a lot about C CP plans for world domination, so do a search here if you wish to discover details of my my assessment. Read between the lines and watch for more signposts. It's beyond serious.
Penny Kelly is a self-realised Master Teacher and Healer who teaches on a plethora of New Earth subjects. This video demonstrates what I call an enlightened conversation where the awakening participants share experiences and pose excellent questions for Penny's comment. How many of us have conversations such as these?
To answer your question more fully, please listen to at least the first 25 minutes, then again from 1.11 to 1.18.
I choose to learn from enlightened people like Penny, Sadhguru and Shunyamurti and don't waste my time on self-obsessed dingbats who stir the pot of mischief and cause trouble.
Every day I ask how I can better myself and lift my game. If we don't follow through on questions like this within six months, we'll roll over in a ball of apathy and passivity too broken to move at all. We can all learn from discussions like these and pay them forward with calmness, urgency and loving intent. 🌱
| If you feel so inclined, please join me in calling on our benevolent starry ET friends, elementals, friends in Spirit, and other humans filled with grace and goodwill for their help. They must be INVITED, so be crystal clear in what you're requesting. We need to get four billion people on board to create the tipping point to alter the future towards Love and harmony. A glorious New Earth awaits if we daily assist with our clarity, prayers, work, and good intentions. |