Please know we have enormous opportunities to break through the holographic matrix to live as our True Selves in the True Reality and that is why we need everyone to be extremely discerning about what they disseminate as 'truth'. Do not get waylaid in your mission fighting with fools, bigots and dark forces and even those controlling ones masquerading as Light-workers.
Dick Allgire says "These are the good times." Things are getting more intense, and we are here to help show the way, raise our awareness and be the original architects of the New Earth.
I have posted a great deal of information and warnings on social media about my visions of the Three Gorges Dam in China. Jenny Lee confirms them three quarters of the way through her conversation with James Rink.
Harry Vox spoke of the plan in 2014 | Allgire Remote Viewed 'Greenland' scenario |