BUT, likely not, and probably something much more traumatic, such as gaining new mental ability that shocks even you. Such as being able to learn at extremely fast rates. Or ???? telepathy? Moving stuff with our minds? That would be the end of casinos & gaming....(which is being forecast by the way).
It's hyper-novel, this HyperNovelty, so all our speculation at this point is likely to miss the mark.
We don't know how it will express itself.
We know that the expression of HyperNovelty will be through Humanity. We know that it will be constantly changing, growing, deepening, and expanding.
We know that (likely) all humans will become aware of at least some aspects of HyperNovelty expressing through themselves.
We can speculate that there will be degrees of awareness of the HyperNovelty expressing through Humanity, both in timing, and depth of appreciation for the phenomenon.
We can know with certainty, unknowns notwithstanding, that Humanity will be changed by the manifestation of HyperNovelty.
The most sensitive among humans may become aware of their individual reaction early in 2024.
The Woo people should be aware of it sometime around April 3, 2024.
It is suspected that by June 12th, a substantial amount of the mass of Humanity (the normies) will be involved in their own awareness of their own expression of HyperNovelty.
This information is brought to you by the same process that informed you a year ahead of the OverWoo manifestation, that you are now living within, starting. ---
minus (-) 244 days and counting til realization of HyperNovelty. "
blind horus eye - clif high on when our abilities may awaken