The slaughter of Cecil the Lovely Lion has gone viral throughout MSM and on social media, along with countless other gut wrenching ’trophy’ images of men and women bragging about their ‘brave’ - albeit very expensive kill-for-pleasure’ pursuits.
We may wonder why some consider it’s OK to kill other lions - though killing Cecil was unconscionable. Images abound of the mass murder of cetaceans turning the water blood red and the ritual slaughter of over 200,000 animals, including male water buffalo, goats and roosters in Nepal to appease the gods.
These graphic horrors have raised the global conversation about the senselessness and cruelty of hunting for sport and the ritualistic murder of innocent animals.
Those who lack information, those who just go along with the crowd, and those whose hearts are brutal and jammed shut to fairplay and kindness are being confronted with all manner of issues to encourage them to think things through prodding them to stand up for ‘something’ - ‘anything’ humane.
Soon, everything in our lives will be changed and we need to work diligently to make them as positive as possible. Work together. Harmoniously as a team. There is much love and support if you know where to look.
Don’t wait for the changes to hit you in the pocket or pantry before you become proactive. Engage your ‘most mature adult’ within to prepare, while also getting lots of rest and sleep.
Humanity is indeed on the brink of unprecedented change in numerous areas and we all need to know what we think about ‘everything’ - and why - and what we’re personally doing about it.
The time for common sense, self-reliance and self-sovereignty has arrived. The prudent have made their plans and preparations for the possibility of global financial catastrophe, weather trials, job losses, power outages, etcetera - along with awakening to greater consciousness and unbounded creativity —- All possibly affecting most in the last quarter of this year. The apathetic and unwise are dismissive or still just talking and talking about it all.
The wise have planned for themselves, their loved ones including pets and animals in their care, other families and organisations they can help, and their personal role in the local and global communities.
Some say - (like atheists talking about there being nothing after death) - that humanity just blips out - end of the holographic experiment - fade to black. I’m not having a bar of that!
Racism is Taught - and has to be Unlearnt.
I can tell you how Adam Goodes feels. Every Indigenous person has felt it. Estranged in the land of our ancestors, marooned by the tides of history on the fringes of one of the richest and demonstrably most peaceful, secure and cohesive nations on earth.
The “wealth for toil” we praise in our anthem has remained out of our reach. Our position at the bottom of every socio-economic indicator tragically belies the Australian economic miracle. Stan Grant