No doubt you have done thorough research and determined your personal stance. However, I advise against relying on mainstream media for the truth about the coronavirus as, by and large, it's the primary menacing outlet of the propaganda machine that conditions human belief systems and keeps their viewers, listeners and readers in fear.
I rely on my intuition and research of particular people and alternative sites that have proven accurate and reliable over the years. Therefore, I rarely post anything that hasn't been validated at least three times. - Cedar
In Australia, hundreds of thousands of front-line workers involved in the rampaging virus industry have been forced by the authorities to take multiple vaccines, or they have had to make the harrowing decision of resigning from their much-loved careers rather than subjecting their bodies to the toxin.
These doctors, nurses, paramedics etc are in a position to know. They have attended to patients' many debilitating effects of the vaccines ranging from thrombosis, rashes, severe flu, heart attacks, myocarditis, seizures, paralysis and even deaths.
It's not only in the health profession that workers are leaving their jobs in droves, and from what I can gather, this scenario is repeated in almost every other country on the planet. Of course, these staff departures add to the immense stress and overwork of those still in employment.
Mainstream press perpetuates the 'pandemic' propaganda by its repetitive brainwashing techniques. Even alternative media buy into repeating endless 'proof of truth' about the 'origins of the pandemic' and 'who is responsible' and 'what they get out of it' ad nauseam. These topics have become the default conversations detracting from solution-finding and positive, creative endeavours for change.
A democracy is where every individual has the right to choose, and I honour whatever decisions you have made for your good reasons, but please don't force it on others.
It will be understandable that billions of wonderful people who accepted the vaccines in trust, or who were forced to do so against their will to ensure the security of their jobs and businesses will feel disbelief, outrage and possible revenge for having put their faith in the health and political authorities that betrayed them. God only knows what the outcome of that would be.
Tragically - yet also part of the evil controllers' ploy - so many still spend hours, weeks and months in circular thoughts, conversations and activism about the 'viruses' and 'vaccines' and what to do about it all - even when they made firm decisions long ago.
If this has the ring of truth for you, will you stay on your current trajectory and belief system, or will you delve deeper to research different information outside of mainstream media and the edicts of the 'authorities'?
We have to be very clever in our activism and peaceful in our uprising. We must not become like the very ones we condemn.
Meanwhile, the Wayshowers and Visionaries on and off planet have been quietly working their butts off, helping to lay the foundations for a New World. Although helping uplift humanity and society has been a lifelong interest I'm becoming more involved in adding my suggestions to the pot for co-creating new foundations for enlightened paradigms in governance, agriculture, education, medicine, religion, science, the arts, humanity and society, business and trade, money and finance, technology, planet and solar system — these 12 areas are common features of many other civilised societies throughout the cosmos.
By all accounts, there are numerous meetings by benevolent intergalactic beings discussing how to present the reality of extraterrestrial presence being here on Earth from the beginning of civilisation. I've heard the most illuminating from 'Tim Tactical Advisor' interviewed by Emery Smith on Cosmic Disclosure on GaiaTV.
We can only achieve this by being willing to renew the present consensus version and by embodying more of our Whole Self and Soul to create from that place.
These next years will bring more challenges for many, but humans are remarkable, resilient, powerful and innovative. So become self-reliant wherever you can and take exceptional care of yourself, your loved ones, community, health, finances, daily life and vision for a creative and joyful future.
If you don't know what your passion is - dig deeper. Get rid of any riffraff. Simplify. Clarify.
Now is the time to do what brings you the most pleasure.
To Life!
Cedar Rivers
“There are big changes coming. Things on Earth are going to get worse before they get better.” | See the index of subjects below the video by clicking on the white type. |
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What does the future bring and what are the upcoming challenges for humanity? What does it mean to wake up into a world in transition? We must develop a higher order perspective of our reality. We need this to truly get the implications of what is going on and what we can do. Being what we are today will not face up to the transition dynamics coming our way. We need aware humans knowing how to develop consciousness, energy and lifeforce. We need people who are able to work with the holographic realities and not just by mechanical means but by the use of original human knowledge.