The dark ones plan to ensure that what happens in Australia will filter through to other countries in due course. BUT. Those pulling the strings creating this brutal chaos haven't reckoned on the profound power and clarity of Australian Light-Workers and the Awakening Ones in every state and territory.
Australians are activating their solar plexuses (see Uluru below). Many are now standing in their power, either alone in the peace of their homes or in groups large and small to rally against injustices to their personal sovereignty and freedom and that right for future generations. Even some previously indifferent ones have become effective activists in their particular ways. They courageously make changes, stand up, and speak out like never before.
Stay in balance by holding your highest vision for justice and solid foundations for The New Earth rather than by constantly criticising and fighting those upholding the cruel and crumbling old world. Criticising the puppets tends to make them more wooden and resistant to change.
This is just a mere glimpse of how crucial our support for freedom is if we wish to break out of the horrendous subjugation in which billions live.
Everything is connected. Our positive focus for advancement and transformation now and particularly on this December Solstice may trigger solar flashes, which not only affects all on Earth but all life in the Milky Way and ultimately throughout the Cosmos.
Energise the global grids of Mother Earth by linking to and helping further opening the Solar Plexus at Uluru, Australia; the Heart Chakra in Stonehenge, Glastonbury, and Shaftsbury, England; and on through other major centres in Mt Shasta, USA; Lake Titicaca, Peru; Mt Kailash, Tibet; The Great Pyramid, Jerusalem, Mt. Sinai and Mt. Olives, Middle East.
Rely on your special transformational tools in your personal kitbag. Some of my daily or regular tools are Nature, communing with my Whole Self and my Team in Spirit, organic food, filtered water, prayer, silence, finding clarity, energy healing, massage, positive self-talk, gratitude, uplifting music, beauty, intention, Vitamins D and C, Echinacea, Zinc, Magnesium, L-lysine, crystals, candle flame, walks and acting on my nudges and discoveries.
I extend a welcome invitation to all readers, especially the Light-Workers and Way-showers Worldwide, to join in this crucial endeavour. Please feel into my suggested approach and feel free to add what works for you along with your preferred processes.
Do enjoy your Solstice Celebrations.
To Life!
- Cedar