The Awakening Ones are calling on all humans to dig deeper and question everything that your governments, media and religious organisations present as 'truth' and 'law' on a continuous loop of fear and misinformation. These tactics are designed to condition our minds so we will never discover the real Truth about the extent of evil sweeping the globe and keeping us compliant at all times. Many politicians, journalists and publishers are also victims of this depraved and shameless control.
Just as restrictive airport security was enacted after the 9:11 Twin Towers fiasco and not redacted after 19 years, so now even more binding laws are being stealthily put into place never to be lifted unless you and I say NO MORE!
98%?? of humans are slaves and prisoners on an ever-shortening leash. How long will citizens tolerate these mounting injustices?
Here's a tip for becoming free and self-governing: If you feel fear in your belly, anxiety in your heart or depression in your mind - you're being manipulated by outside forces. Breaking free from the slavish chains takes constant vigilance as the very air we breathe is also imbued with this toxicity.
Many liberated and powerful activists are very vocal in having you join the revolution. In most cases, I applaud their enthusiasm as time is short if the change for Truth and Freedom is to be successful. However, I urge you to be discerning in your bid to have the prevailing authoritative edicts rewritten and benevolent New Ways anchored in modern society for present and future generations.
There's no question that our conscious activism is needed NOW. Please determine YOUR best approach and do not be coerced or shamed into joining any particular worthwhile 'Movement'. Take what resonates and stretch beyond your comfort zone. Mindfulness in Nature and consciously pursuing your creative endeavours are as valid forms of activism as participating in interviews, hands-on public work, petitioning governments and corporations, publishing articles, marching openly on the streets, communitarianism, and writing new laws and rewriting to influence outdated laws.
It's impossible to overstate the importance of YOUR ACTIVISM. I know many of you are also working tirelessly to make this world a better place for your loved ones and all.
My contributions to social media and my blog are a part of my peaceful activism. If they resonate will you please be bold and share with your readership as we need to spread common sense as far as possible before it's too late as new prohibitions are coming in.
Speak UP for yourself and others.
Speak OUT against injustice.
Will you join me in speaking FOR a New Way and a NEW EARTH?
'FIND YOUR WAY' has many, many meanings.
I encourage YOU to deepen to FIND ever MORE of YOUR WAY.
Time really is at a premium. Please start today.
To Truth and Freedom!