I trust your encouragement and wisdom will give viewers the impetus to delve deeper within themselves and be enriched and enlivened. The conditions as of 31:10:2018 are ripe for positive change for the great majority if we have the willingness and courage to go for it.
Niara posted 'It finally hit me, late this afternoon, that those words I spoke about consciousness are now “out there” and thousands of people are or will be hearing them. And they cannot be unheard. Once people wake up to how their very minds and consciousness energy have been manipulated and for how long, and for how many generations, the consciousness genie will be out of the bottle, nevermore to be bottled up and controlled ever again. Please see Above Majestic soon.'
Despite censorship attempts, Above Majestic is #1 on iTunes and Amazon and also #28 in the top 200 of all films on iTunes!
I trust the presenters, their partners, families, kindred and colleagues have taken their 'AND THENS' to (at least) the third possible scenarios. I wish them well and ask that responders are considerate in their comments as these experiencers and researchers are shining a bright light on long-held secrets and come forward to reveal this information at significant risk to themselves and streams of constant abuse.
Please view the information with an open mind free of prejudice, take notes, and think things through before responding on social media. Once published it can never be unpublished in the minds of readers and viewers. Doors are soon to be flung open on information that only a minority of the population has been privy to or even interested in researching. Wisdom calls for a Peaceful Revolution. Let's engage the very best of ourselves and make the most of these revelations.
I applaud the men and women who had the foresight and courage to make this documentary 'Above Majestic' (MJ-12 or “Majestic 12” refers to a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads. Appointed by Harry S. Truman in 1952, they were to manage and handle all information related to extraterrestrial craft retrieval and the reverse engineering of technology.)
How far 'Above Majestic' do these Labyrinthian secret programs go and precisely who is involved?
Please shine your LIGHT, POSITIVE INTENTIONS and PRAYERS on projects such as these to contribute to making an evolutionary leap for humanity, Mother Earth and all who dwell on and within Her.
If this documentary raises the question in you; What can I do? - please consider my 'THREE AND THENS' and roll up your sleeves and TAKE SOME ACTION. Feel free to share this link.
Shine on
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Amazon, iTunes, Vudu, Xbox, and Google Play
| $21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is more than our entire national debt! - The Solari Report Message to the banking elite: Trick or treat by Benjamin Fulford |
IS IT GOSSIP? Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?
FORGIVE AND LET GO! Maintain focus on your highest objectives for the good of the whole.
BE AWARE! Strong cosmic and earth energies may be impacting your sleep, emotions and output.