Thanks so much Penny! I'm having a remarkable time working through them at one per day.
| Dear Penny and Daphnee, I carefully water the seeds you're so consciously planting, and I'm excited to report that they are growing into healthy saplings. Please continue this valuable information sharing for co-creating a New Earth as 'the seeds you are broadcasting' :) will soon reach thousands more - if I have anything to do with it! |
I found it most interesting that Penny introduced the notion of perhaps leaving this planet altogether to find one with a more conducive sun for nourishing harmony, beauty and consciousness on a suitable other planet and would love to hear more of the 'how' of this, please.
It troubles me that so many self-assessed 'awakened' people spend most of their waking hours giving energy to focussing on and sharing the depravity of the inhumane monsters among us as if stuck on a continuous loop of addiction. Good people are thoroughly absorbed by the abominations of sex and organ trafficking, the cabal, Qanon, evil conspiracies, anti-vaccinations, 5G, big pharma, rioting against the establishment, global pedophilia, institutional education, corrupt politicians and corporations etc. Their sharing is usually done with little or no personal comment, discernment or assessment, and they allow the 'expert researcher' or 'centre stage spokespeople' to speak for them.
I choose to spend about 5% of my waking time glossing such information. I devote the rest to raising my vibration in myriad ways and imagining new ideas and a new world. A selection of links to the extraordinary people who inspire me to co-create beauty, creativity, and new lifestyle choices, technology and new systems are here on my 'blog' and shared to my networks.
Wanderers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins and The New Human
I feel it's time to reveal ourselves. I am an Arcturian-Pleiadian-Human Starseed here on Earth to enhance my Soul's Journey by forgetting my starry origins and superpowers, experiencing human emotions and characteristics and by growing in self-knowledge, creativity, and spiritual understanding. I'm one of perhaps 63 million??? Wayshowers and Volunteers committed to helping midwife a young and struggling humanity to join in further awakening for those who commit to it with sincerity. I have yet to fulfil my dream of living consciously in a self-organising community of awakened starseeds as I did on my Home planet more than 72,000 years ago of linear time. Starseeds are welcome to contact me - you know who you are and have probably done all the quizzes and tests and have an all consuming interest in all things extraterrestrial, spacecraft, time-travel, new technology and other planetary cultures. - Cedar | Mary Rodwell is a world renowned researcher of the skills and experiences of remarkable children and adults. Her book The New Human discusses some of the results of her thousands of interviews with the superhuman. Global Healing - The new Kryon "Circle of Twelve" is a major departure from anything that you may have experienced with the Kryon channeling in the last 31 years. Kryon free audios Beyond the Light Barrier - Elizabeth Klarer Steve Rother - Beacons of Light |